Below is a listing of the products currently being offered at P2 Programs. With the exception of the Conversion Utilities, all use some form of Auto-ID (barcoding) technology and Mobile Computers to capture and track the various activities at your facility.
A demo version is available for all the Conversion Utilities. To schedule a demo of the larger software products, please contact P2 Programs by e-mail or phone (512-858-2007).

Steel Tracking System
The Steel Tracking System gives you the ability to uniquely identify each piece of steel with a barcode serial number. The data is then transmitted to your customers for shipping and receiving purposes. This provides an electronic verification of information that has traditionally been saturated with errors due to the overwhelming amount of manual paperwork. The use of barcoded steel provides for a virtually error-free data collection environment.
Warehouse Tracking System
The WTS software application is a product which was specifically designed for the warehouse industry. WTS uses a system of barcode labels that allow you to easily track product production, movement, audits and shipments. WTS allows you to identify each piece of stock by a unique serial number. As you use our specially designed barcodes and serial numbers to track your inventory, you create an essentially error-free work environment. Our WTS package can help you and your employee’s job become not only easier, but also more productive!
Recycled Textiles Tracking
The RTS software application was specifically designed for the Secondary Materials/Recycled Textiles industry using barcode labels as the central tool for tracking product production, movement, audits and shipments. It allows you to identify each bale by its unique serial number. By using these specially designed barcodes and serial numbers, you help create an environment with virtually no errors. P2 Programs’ RTS package can make your job, as well as that of your employee’s, much easier and more efficient.
Conversion Utilities

AutoCad to EJE Conversion Utility
This application converts text files exported out of AutoCad into the proper format for importation into E.J.E.’s Structural Material Manager software.

AutoCad to KISS Conversion Utility
This program converts text files exported out of AutoCad into the proper format for importation into any program that can import the KISS format.

Bill Capture Utility
This application captures bill of materials (BOM’s) set up on a specific layer in AutoCAD 14 through the latest version of AutoCAD. This application is designed to be used in conjunction with two other products from P2 Programs – the AutoCAD to EJE and the AutoCAD to KISS conversion utilities. This application will only work for drawings that have their BOM’s located on a specific layer and this is the only information that resides on that layer.

BIF to EJE Conversion Utility
This program converts text files exported out of Design Data (SDS/2) using their Bill Interchange Format File (BIF File) into the proper format for importation into E.J.E.’s Structural Material Manager software