Web-Based Application Revolutionizes Tracking
in the Steel Industry
P2 Programs, LLC newest product STSX is a web-based steel tracking system that brings instant, real-time tracking information to your fingertips and operates on a wide variety of operating systems (OS) including iOS, Android, and Windows.
STSX is revolutionizing the steel industry by providing fabricators with extreme mobility through the use of phones, tablets, and other devices to access all tracking information instantly. STSX is a core technology, essential for managing the shop floor processes within the steel industry. STSX alleviates the need to access a PC in order to view shop floor tracking information, enabling fabricators to know instantly the status of all jobs on the shop floor. P2 Programs is the first to offer the steel industry instant access to this barcoded tracking information on virtually any device.

Paul Parks, President of P2 Programs, LLC states “STSX allows our clients to go above and beyond in exceeding their customer’s expectations when it comes to having first-hand information on the status of that company’s job. They can communicate to their customer in an instant where their steel is in the fabrication process without the delay of having to go back to the office and look it up on a PC. They will have it in their hand, real-time. STSX will put our clients on the next level to serve their customers with timely and accurate information.”
Since 1992, P2 Programs’ STSX software has helped fabricators efficiently track their structural steel from raw material receipt and from vendor to vendor all the way to erection at the job site by giving them the ability to uniquely identify each piece of steel with a barcode serial number. The use of STSX barcoded steel has provided for a virtually error-free data collection environment while saving money and employee time.